
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Recent Sharp Academy of Excellence Ongoings.....

When we went out for frozen yogurt and book store time last weekend, I saw this strategy in a workbook, of course I didn't buy it, but I decide to make my own "bootleg" version :)

The Prince prefers to write in all caps right now, and I am cool with that..just thought I would introduce this to him and he seemed to like it. Later, when making a mini-drum with his daddy he wrote dad with lower case d's!

Another freebie from a FABULOUS NM friend!!! If I blog anything that you would like me to scan and email you, please contact me!!! I try to make it large enough to read the instructions on here...but the game cards I will send you, you can print them, laminate them (or not) and cut them apart!!

Do we play games on lesson that the Prince could do with his eyes closed??? Yes! We do play games on topics that the Prince learned ages ago. A couple of reasons for that, we love games, we love review, if it's fun! and  I love practicing taking turns, be patient and learning that "sometimes you win and sometimes you lose." Sometimes those things are not the main focus when it a brand new lesson :)

I swear Thunder Love is going to be one well-educated pooch!

The Prince was seeing how "long" his "winning" cards were and Thunder is in her FAVORITE spot, in front of the fireplace.

After counting our cards, here is the humble winner. HA!

If you wanted to play this game, I get that you don't have this nifty board, but seriously you could make a "bootleg" version of this with a couple of pieces of construction paper...feel free to decorate with stickers or markers...or not!

Then we moved on to the kitchen! We had a make-up online cooking class. This week colorful Quinoa!

The only modification the Prince made was adding tomato-basil feta cheese (his FAVORITE cheese!) to the final product. YUM!!!! It was really good!

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) isn't a true grain but a plant related to chard and spinach.
With the most complete nutrition and highest protein content of any grain, quinoa is an ideal food for vegetarians and vegans, a good source of vitamins and minerals - iron, magnesium, Vit E, potassium, amino acids, and fiber.

Colorful Quinoa1½ cups veggie stock or water
1 cup quinoa, thoroughly rinsed and drained
½ teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup frozen chopped, mixed vegetables such as peas, carrots, green beans, corn
Equipment and supplies:Medium saucepan with a tight-fitting lid
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Add chicken stock or water to medium saucepan.
With an adult's help, bring chicken stock or water to a boil over medium-high heat.
Stir in quinoa, salt, and pepper.
Switch heat to low and cover pot with lid.
Cook until water is evaporated and quinoa is tender, about 15 minutes.
Remove lid and stir in veggies with a fork.
Place lid back on quinoa so that the heat from the quinoa cooks the vegetables.

Served with Feta Cheese sprinkled on top!

1 comment:

Queen Mom said...

One of the new mom's I have had the pleasure of meeting wanted to post a comment, but said this blog wasn't allowing her to! (I have heard this from others...gotta figure that out!) So I wanted to post her comment:
THANKS! Christine, "Tried to post this comment on your blog but it wasn't working for me. So I'll copy and paste here. When I taught public school we had that same kind of spelling thing in our workbooks for the kids. It really helps visual learners especially.... Two other ideas kids really liked were rainbow words, in which you wrote your spelling list with colored pencils, using a different color for each letter in the word (which makes them take the time to focus on the letters rather than just copying the word quickly without thinking) and tapping out the words. If you start at your wrist and tap your arm with the side of your hand as you say each letter, ending with your shoulder on the last letter, it activates the physical part of your brain in the memorizing of the word. For some reason it really helps kids who are hands on to spell. You'd see them tapping their arms and silently mouthing the letters before they wrote the words down."