
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Who Knew a Little Paint Would Lead to a Classroom Overhaul?

Last night, I was pooped. I have been using a couple of old shoe holders for shelving/storage in our classroom for a couple of years. Well, since I recently painted the table for our classroom, yesterday, I thought I would also spruce up the shoe racks as well; but, then something happened. I don't know how. Seriously, the next thing I know I'm cleaning, rearranging and reorganizing our ENTIRE classroom. This happened so very fast that I didn't snap any before photos of the classroom, but I did snap one picture of the shoe rack as I was taping it up.

Plain old shoe rack.

Spruced up shoe rack.

I have two :).

Their new home.

I know you can't tell, but each section or two contains materials readily available to the Prince,such as, manipulatives or other subject related materials.

Here are some pictures of our newly organized classroom. First, our main table and newly painted material shelves.

This desk used to be where the newly painted shelving/shoe racks are now. I moved it the the other side of the room and it is now the Prince's spelling center. He will visit this station almost daily and pick his spelling activity for the day. I am printing THESE FREE spelling activities, from Mrs. Lemons, and placing them into his "activity bucket." It is the bucket to the right of the crayons. Each day he will pick and complete one spelling activity. After snapping the photo I saw the abacus in the spelling center. It was relocated.

Here is my big ole' desk. I think it is to big and might get rid of it. Ignore the pile of dog on the floor, she follows her momma everywhere. Also, ignore the weights on the desk, this is also my Jillian Michaels' workout room and I snapped these pictures right before getting my butt kicked.

My white board where daily notes to the Prince are written or daily lesson plans. Various lesson charts are on the wall. The bulletin board is separated. The section on the left displays are biology chapter notes and the section on the right was cleaned of all old displayed work, so we can fill it up with more fantastic assignments completed by my Peanut.

The Prince ran in and wanted to be included :)! There you have it folks, the room that is used a lot in our house :)

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